Sunday, September 8, 2013

Retroactive Blog Post - 9/1: The Impossible Drive


The impossible drive

The impossible drive. Everyone warned us that we were crazy for trying to go straight from Asheville to Boulder in one push. Do it on two days or you'll be sorry they said. Well, we did it and it was easy.

The trek started when I picked up Alanna at work at 6:00 pm EST. We went to the house, did one last minute sweep through to make sure we had everything, made a quick run to Steven's, and then we were out on the road at 7:30 pm! I drove the first leg of the trip until 1:00 am. Alanna was able to sleep a bit and rest up(after I turned off our audiobook of Name of The Wind... no sleeping during the audio book! ) Next was Alanna's shift through the dead of night, from 1-6a. She killed it and gave me a couple hours sleep before it was my turn again.

Around 7 am, we hit our first storm of the trip. An ominous looking sky greeted us as we drove into Kansas City. The clouds hung low and there was a wall of rain and lightning as we passed under them. We decided to stop for breakfast and wait it out.

The next many hours were extremely uneventful as we drove through the great plains. Boring, but in a way beautiful in it's own sense. Finally, we get to Colorado and we are greeted with even more plains! It wasn't until the last hour of our trip where we finally had our first sight of the Rocky mountains...

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